
Desk illustration

About me

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My name is Ott and currently, I'm a front end developer working at Pipedrive. Outside of any immediate professional responsibilities, my main goal is to attend to my family and pets as much as possible.

I grew up with a strong blue-collar work ethic and DIY values so I'm constantly pushing myself to excel in any effort I'm currently involved in. Having been always curious about how and why people react to complex systems that drive their world I continuously build narratives to drive a positive change in those tracks.

Specifically, to my profession, I'm extremely passionate about its interaction with design, user experience, and complex business requirements. I aspire to bridge my limited artistic capabilities with the technical competencies to explore the possibilities for social progress.

With my free time, I'm mostly spending it to attend university and work on various side projects. Also to help with animal welfare as much as I'm possibly able. If there is anything left over I usually spend it on long walks and cycling.

I like to read a lot about design and architecture and visit a lot of obscure blogs. In another life, I would like to have been a graphic designer but I can't draw anything but perspective drawings without embarrassment.

💡 Strong opinions, weakly held

  • ♻️ Active green worldview
    • I don't own a car nor belive that cities should accomodate them
    • High denisity cities are more livable
    • Public transportation is great and should be free
  • 🧐 Powerful type systems are fun and pragmatic
    • They don't slow you down
    • It's a common courtesy to map your thought process, why not collate it in a type definition
  • 🏗 Self-documenting code can take you only so far
    • Business logic should be at least minimally documented/referenced with the applicable code
    • Meanwhile, comments are no substitution to proper naming enforcement

📖 Interests

  • History
  • Economics
  • Urban planning
  • Ecology
  • Graphic design
  • Astronomy

👾 Trivia

  • 🎮 I love grand strategy wargames
    • Europa Universalis
    • Hearts of Iron
  • 🏜 My favorite book is Frank Herbert's Dune
    • Love the Larry Niven Ringworld and Known Space series
    • Neuromancer by William Gibson is always a fun read
  • 🎸 Mostly I listen to shoegazing/dream pop bands
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©Ott Tooming