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Voog logo blueCreated with Sketch.

VOOG content management system

  • ES5
  • Backbone.js
  • jQuery
  • Liquid
  • SCSS
  • MJML


Voog is a CMS for building and managing websites and online stores.

It enables you to establish your online presence whether you are promoting your business, showcasing your work, starting a blog, or opening your store. Anyone who needs a modern and responsive website can take advantage of Voog.

Whether you are a first time user or a long-time professional and looking for a finely tuned customizable experience with terrific SEO support. Also perfect for web developers to create client websites without the hassle of a long term upgrade cycle in maintaining the CMS.


I was tasked with building and maintaining front-end components for the Voog CMS and creating customizable templates for both general uses as well as specialized client projects. Also handling technical support questions for the customer service team.

Most of our work was done in ES5 standards-compliant JavaScript while migrating from legacy jQuery implementations of the CMS and template components where applicable.

Working hand in hand with designers to realize the best customizable and dynamic design considerations for Voog platform.

It was an incredibly engaging and technically challenging experience with a wonderful team supporting me.

screencap zurich
screeencap newsletter 2017 spring
screencap dusseldorf
screeencap newsletter 2016 winter
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©Ott Tooming